Foncebadón-A Step Back in Time
Everyone has favorite spots along the Camino. Foncebadón was one such place for me. Although many stop short at Rabanal del Camino for the night, I found the additional 5.5 km uphill hike well worth it. With so many old stone buildings in disrepair, Foncebadón’s glory days are long past. Nonetheless, the charm of this seemingly almost abandoned village is still strong due to these very special stone structures. Still, for the pilgrim, this village offers several albergues and eateries. One of the popular spots in town was the Hostal Convento de Foncebadón. This turned out to be a great spot to catch up with pilgrim friends, get a good meal, and find a comfortable bed. Making this my stop for the day also put me within just a couple kilometers of the Cruz de Ferro where I wanted to be to watch the sun come up the next morning.