Arrival In León
I am happy to report that my bag arrived in León! I was a little worried about what I might do if it got lost, but, no worries! So, tomorrow, the backpack goes back on and I head further west out of León. Using the transport service was perhaps the best 7€ that I’ve spent on the Camino. I’m refreshed and ready now to tackle the last third of the Camino. Life is good!
Here in León, I’m staying in a hostel. In comparison with an albergue, you can stay at a hostel as long as you want and you don’t have to be out by a certain time in the morning. In an albergue, one usually stays just one night. The similarity is that six people are sharing a room just like in an albergue. My roommates tonight come from New Zealand, Italy, and Germany. Every albergue/hostel along the Camino has an interesting mix of people from all over the world.