Albergues Come In All Shapes And Sizes
One thing that makes the Camino experience so unique are the albergues you can stay in along The Way. Although one could compare them to a Clint Eastwood movie, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, by far the majority of them fit into the first category. After a long day of walking, there is nothing like entering the albergue where you’ll spend the night, being assigned a bed, and rinsing off the trail dust from the day. Many towns and villages have both municipal and private albergues. My preference has been for the private ones, but most of the municipales where I have stayed have been equally wonderful. After a long first day cycling the VDLP, I was more than ready to find an albergue in Almadén de la Plata. At the Albergue Casa del Reloj, not only did the hospitalera graciously accommodate my bike, but I was also greeted with a refreshingly cold beer.