A Fall Camino? Absolutely!
Most years we travel to Spain to walk in the spring. Schedules being what they were in 2019, we headed back for an October Camino. Weather was still great! Even hot some days! But, compared to the the sleepy vineyards of April and May, the grapes were big and juicy by mid-Fall. It was a real treat walking through the Rioja region with grapes on the vine and then, just hours later, enjoying a glass or two of local wine along with our pilgrim’s dinner. The one big difference between walking in the early spring versus mid-fall is the number of daylight hours. In the spring, as it was daylight much earlier, it was easier to get started just as it was getting light. So as not to walk too much in the dark, our fall morning starts were consequently pushed back by about an hour. Still, we had plenty of time to arrive at our destinations my mid-afternoon.