Characters Along The Way – My Afternoon With Freddy
I was sitting having a sandwich in café/bar Espagña in Carrión de Los Condes when I met Freddy. He is an American physician who has lived in Carrión for the past seven years (as of 2016) and he is definitely one of the local characters! Freddy currently is a guitar maker and concert promoter here in Carrión. He appears to be doing some good things since the mayor has made several buildings available to him as concert and music workshop spaces.
After we strolled around town chatting about the local politics, issues, and happenings, Freddy took me over to his studio where he worked on a couple guitars he was making. If you’ve read Rebekah Scott’s Furnace Full of God, my Freddy is one and the same guy who she fondly describes in her book. Definitely, a Camino character!